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A research tool

Credits & usage conditions

Foster Forest is a serious game created to simulate and stimulate the adaptation of French foresters to climate change. It particularly aims at the exploration of non-technical solutions (economic, organisational, …).

Foster Forest is a workshop during half a day, gathering private landholders, a public forester of the French National Forest Office and a mayor. Using a computerized simulation, the players must choose forest operations, in a context where climate impacts rise at every game round. Foster Forest focuses on the way the participants diversify or not their forest management: at what spatial scale? Is it individually, or through public policies, wood or carbon markets, or collective actions?

Find on this page the research version of Foster Forest

This version is the one used in 2019 by Timothée Fouqueray for its doctoral studies. It combines two elements: a software and game leaflets.

Download the ‘Research’ version. Foster Forest runs with CORMAS, a free software freely accessible on this webpage.

Download the game leaflets, including instructions for the game-master to guide a workshop facilitation (in French).

Along with the instructions for the game-master, video tutorials explain the installation of CORMAS and then Foster Forest. Even if tailored for the ‘Prospective’ version, the tutorials provide the necessary elements to launch the ‘Research’ version.

Access here the tutos (in French).

Differences between the ‘Research’ & ‘Prospective’ versions

The ‘Research’ version differs from the Prospective version:

Moreover, the ‘Research’ workshops included two questionnaires (one before and one after the game rounds).
